Professional Editing Samples

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Professional Editing Samples Library

Professional Editing Samples Library

Fiction Editing Sample – Click Here to View
Thesis / Dissertation Editing Sample – Click Here to View
We use MS Word’s Track Changes feature to highlight all the editorial changes we’ve made. Track Changes allow you to download the editing provided and evaluate, approve, append, and change the initially edited document to your desire.
Your final manuscript will, of course, be even more thorough and customized than these samples. Additionally, your professional editing sample will display as a fully-edited MS WORD document with all changes tracked.

Professional Editing Samples Library

Fiction Editing Sample – Click Here to View

Thesis / Dissertation Editing Sample – Click Here to View

We use MS Word’s Track Changes feature to highlight all the editorial changes we’ve made. Track Changes allow you to download the editing provided and evaluate, approve, append, and change the initially edited document to your desire.
Your final manuscript will, of course, be even more thorough and customized than these samples. Additionally, your professional editing sample will display as a fully-edited MS WORD document with all changes tracked.
Fiction Editing Sample – Click Here to View
Thesis / Dissertation Editing Sample – Click Here to View

Professional Editing Samples Library

We use MS Word’s Track Changes feature to highlight all the editorial changes we’ve made. Track Changes allow you to download the editing provided and evaluate, approve, append, and change the initially edited document to your desire.
Your final manuscript will, of course, be even more thorough and customized than these samples. Additionally, your professional editing sample will display as a fully-edited MS WORD document with all changes tracked.
Professional Editing Services


Professional Help

Get a free editing sample outlining areas you need to fix before publishing. Discover what works!

Professional Editing Services

Our experienced editors can ‘correct and perfect’ ANY type of document!

For more than a decade, First Editing has been proofreading and editing words written by individuals, corporations, and other entities worldwide. Our skill, expertise, and integrity have helped us to perfect the writing of SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND clients successfully! We hire only seasoned professionals, and we absolutely GUARANTEE client satisfaction. First Editing thrives on repeat business and, as a result, we strive to ensure that ALL of our clients are satisfied enough to return for more editing in the future.
The First Editing team proudly offers proofreading, copy editing, and rewriting services for ALL document types!

Send us your:

REMEMBER: On our order form, you’ll be able to make selections from a menu of editing options featuring numerous secondary services including but not limited to: press releases, book layout services, critical reviews, and more! If you can write it, we can edit it!

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