In Search Of Words

edited by

Author: Raymond, Hong Kong

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Vonda

Author’s review

I am trying to find words better than "superb and magnificent" to describe Vonda's editing. It is people like Vonda that customers will keep on seeking your service again and again.
Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

Written for all ages, this is the story of a brilliant boy of 13 who lost four of his life's most precious things in a day. Transferred to a boarding school in England, his extraordinary and mysterious talents gradually unfolded to help him restore his self-esteem.

Guided by his godfather, also the headmaster, and aided by his exceptional piano skill and the support of his new found friends, can he eventually triumph and regain his speech, lost through post-traumatic stress disorder? This moving tale is full of charm and humor, cleverly blended with surprising turns of fortune, laughter and heartbreaks - a most enthralling read.

Author: Raymond

A report about a teenager's suicide caught Raymond Wong Fook-lam's attention two years ago. The businessman couldn't fathom why young people would give up on their lives, especially when they had many more opportunities than when he was growing up in the 1960s. "I wondered why he wanted to end his life when everyone is trying to live a better life," says Wong, managing director at SOCAM Development, a subsidiary of the Shui On Group. His son was 12 at the time, and the tragedy set Wong thinking about what he could do to encourage young people not to surrender in the face of adversity. He decided on a novel idea - he would write a story about how a teenager overcomes his personal demons.

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