Inform Them, Reform Them, Transform Them

edited by

Author: James, USA

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Joanne

Author’s review

I have used your service many times for this same manuscript. Each time I am impressed with the final product. I will be publishing this book in June 2014. Great job with wording and flow.
Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

The time has come when we as parents and leaders must take a stand and take back our children. Too many children are challenging authority and rebelling against the policies and set standards that were put in place for a reason. In this book, I am challenging every parent, teenager, and adolescent to hold him or herself to a higher standard than what this society is currently offering. Let's start to make a different today. If not you, then who?

Available now in both paperback, ebook, and 1-hour cd!

Author: James

Author and counselor James Puckett is a faithful, devoted servant of God. He is retired from the United States Army with over 24 years of active duty service. James has served in ministries to inmates and to nursing homes. James is currently a member of one of the fastest growing churches in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he serve as Pastoral Usher and Caregiver Ministry Team. James holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty Theological Seminary, Liberty University.

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