Spartan and the Green Egg, Book 2, the Reefs of Mindoro Island

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Author: Nabila, USA

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Editor: Lee

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A short introduction

With a friendly alien spaceship called Egg always close by, Spartan, his three friends and his dog, Grimm, continue their adventures traveling to the South China Sea where they visit the beautiful Isle of Mindoro

Author: Nabila

Born in the Mediterranean and raised in Europe, Nabila Khashoggi is the founder of NABILA K, a lifestyle line of luxury skin care, home ambiance and personal products. When her eldest son was a toddler, she used to entertain him with made-up stories about a boy who traveled the world inside a live green egg that just so happened to be an alien from another planet. She turned the tales into a colorful children's graphic novel series, Spartan and the Green Egg, with the intention of introducing children to environmental and cultural themes around the world. Part of the proceeds from the sales of the series go to The Children for Peace ONLUS. Based in Italy, this non-governmental organization helps young people worldwide who are living in challenging circumstances obtain their essential needs such as food, medical help and educational opportunities. Nabila currently lives in New York and has two sons.

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