Standing Her Ground

edited by

Author: M. E., USA

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Vonda

Author’s review

My editor, Vonda, did a fantastic job again. Every time I've used your service it has helped make my book and my writing better.
Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

Jodi Nelson's parents force her to a pray-away-the-gay session at their church after she comes out to them. Pastor Haverty, the lead pastor at their church, takes Jodi downstairs for a private consultation when Jodi breaks down during the session. Jodi starts to leave the Church after Pastor Haverty left her to gather herself. She is grabbed and dragged into one of the rooms and raped.

Three years later, Jodi is happily raising her son, Bryan as a single mother. Suddenly, a strange woman starts stalking her. Her parents show up and demand to see Bryan after not hearing from them since she left home. When she refuses, they try to get custody of Bryan.

Jodi goes to the ACLU for help. Her case is given to the former family judge, Jean Carlisle, who gladly takes the case pro bono. With Jean's help, Jodi is going to stand her ground against the people who would hurt her son and her. She will prove that a single lesbian can be a perfect mother.

Author: M. E.

Originally from central Indiana, M.E. Tudor now lives in south central Kentucky with her partner, three grandchildren, four cats and an adorable dog. She also has two grown daughters who live in southern Kentucky and a total of nine grandchildren, including her partner's three grandchildren. M.E. has lived in Florida, Texas and Colorado during different times of her life and her stories reflect her love of traveling, hiking, camping, and being outdoors in general.

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