The Elements Of Life- The Revealing

edited by

Author: Leonard , Trinidad and Tobago

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Vonda

Author’s review

Everything about First Editing is amazing.

The Editors themselves can been seen as highly professionals in the English Language area.

Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

VR. Leonard a new age poet and writer who took daily terminologies all based on life and society and transformed them into groundbreaking and truth-telling poems. Follow VR. Leonard journey as he continues to write and share his work with you.

Author: Leonard

Leonard was born on October 7, 1991, in the Caribbean twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago, the son of Teeluck Ramkissoon and Allison Edwards. His parents separated when he two years old. His father took primary custody of both him and his sister, Amanda Ochoa Ramkissoon. He is the youngest of four children and has been supported in almost everything he does, no matter what it is, and he believes in the notion that everything is worth a risk. rnLeonard was raised in Trinidad in a small village in Cunupia. The young man grew up in a humble home while having a rich musical, agricultural and culinary background. He didn�t see the need to follow his family into the music and agriculture industry. In his teenage years he detached himself from the conventions of typical Indian and Chutney music and agriculture. rn

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