Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
There’s one rule most writers try to follow: show, don’t tell. For example, instead of telling your reader...
Writing an academic text, be it a research paper, a thesis, or an article, is a highly elaborate process. Not...
Writing a book may seem easy. You have an idea, and you write it down. Simple, right? Wrong. Writing...

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  Here’s the deal. No matter how amazing your book is, your query letter must be even better. Why? Because a writer query letter is the first point of contact between you and your literary agent or a publishing house. It’s your chance at a brilliant first impression. It’s also the stage where many...
Writing a book is a large undertaking. Not only do you have to write over sixty thousand words that make perfect sense, but you also need to develop a clear concept, outline your chapters, and find the best possible references (if you’re writing non-fiction) to back up your statements. This is where...
Proofreading or editing? How do you know which one you need? Most people use the two terms interchangeably, but there’s actually a difference between them. While editing generally goes into more depth, proofreading is the final run-through before everything goes to print. Together, let’s look at all...
Even the greatest of minds get it wrong sometimes. You would hardly guess that based on the final product, though. If you look at an error-free and high-quality research paper, your assumption might be that the author is just really smart. The truth is, the text you’re reading has been reviewed by at...
Self-editing is the part of the writing process that helps you arrange thousands of random puzzle pieces into one cohesive picture. Contrary to popular belief, self-editing isn’t only about checking for grammar, typos, and punctuation errors, though. It’s about bringing your whole book, article, or dissertation...
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