Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
A Tale of Two Cities, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hobbit, The Little Prince, and The...
Young Adult fiction, or YA, is a category of fiction largely written for adolescents and is so popular...
What is the certificate of English editing and why do you need it in the first place? Well, if you’re...

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Introduction In the realm of academic writing, ensuring the highest quality and accuracy is of the utmost importance—and this is where an academic editor can make all the difference. Choosing the right editor can help college and university-level students enhance their work and achieve better results....
Have you finished a novel, scientific paper, a children’s story and in search of an editor? Do you also have a feeling it may need a bit more than just a punctuation, grammar, and tense check? If you have concerns about the structure of your story, the plot development, character arcs, or just how it...
Today, I’m finally going to write. Okay, well, I didn’t get around to it, but I’ll definitely write tomorrow. Huh…maybe I’ll start on Monday? Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, procrastination is common among writers. It’s quite funny when you think about it – we love writing with...
Gone are the days when traditional publishing was the only viable way to get noticed. Sure, self-publishing has always been an option, but the costs often made it impossible for new authors to send their books into the world without also spending a large sum of money. Enter…Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct...
Academic writing is a formal way of writing, mostly used in scholarly publications or universities. It is used in journal articles, books on academic topics, essays, assignments, admission essays, and research papers. The purpose of using academic writing is to display the results of research or critique. How...
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