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Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
The beginning of a story is like an appetizer to a great meal. It’s a taste of what is to come, an invitation...
Phew! You’ve finally finished writing your academic essay, put in all your references, completed your...
You might have heard of copyediting, proofreading and developmental editing already, but what is line...

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They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but most of us definitely do judge a book by its cover. Sight is incredibly important to marketing, and the more appealing a book looks, the higher chances someone will pick it up and dive into the story you’ve so carefully crafted. In short, a killer...
The discussion and conclusion sections are both essential parts of any academic thesis. In this short guide, I’ll define the content to include in each, as well as discuss the differences between the two sections, along with a few tips on what to include to ensure your thesis fulfills all the necessary...
Introduction to the Use of Tables and Graphs in Research In the world of academia, you will inevitably encounter situations where you need to present data in a clear and concise manner. One of the best ways to achieve this is through tables and graphs, which can be used to present complex information...
Character names can become iconic in their own right. Think of Harry Potter, Frodo, Ebenezer Scrooge and Huckleberry Finn. Could any other name have worked the same way in these stories? Possibly, but you might have a job to convince us as these names just seem so perfect. They convey so much personality...
Qualitative research methods are used to gain insights into people’s motivations, feelings, and experiences. Specifically, researchers use qualitative data to explore how people think and act in different contexts. First, researchers collect their data through interviews, focus groups, surveys, observations,...
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