Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Fiction Editing Essentials – The Full Editing Journey Crafting a captivating novel is only half the battle....
A doctoral dissertation is an in-depth piece of academic writing that is grounded in original research...
Most writers know they should ideally avoid using cliché in their writing, but what is a cliché in the...

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A short story is a joy to craft. Not only do you not have the challenge of a long novel, but you can be creative and have some fun at the same time. A short story need not be elaborate and contain fewer ideas and characters. A lot of famous novelists have played around with the short story form to perfect...
When I was younger, my writing process went a bit like this: I came up with new ideas chapter by chapter, I had zero clue of how the story would end, and most days, I just went with the flow. While some authors are renowned for doing exactly that and making it work, I always ended up feeling so confused...
Ever since Karel Capek wrote the play R.U.R. in 1920 and coined the term “Robot”, the character vs. technology conflict has become a very popular literary device – largely because it reflects the dilemmas and struggles we face in the real world. While getting chased by a robot sent from the future is...
“It was a dark and stormy night…” Yep, something’s about to go wrong. As soon as your eyes land on words such as these while reading a story, your instinct is to go, “Oh, no,” right? This is because storm symbolism has been used in numerous works throughout centuries, inevitably etching itself into our...
You’ve decided to write about your life. You’ve probably already picked your reasons and main areas of interest, but one question still remains… Are you going to write an autobiography or a memoir? And what’s the difference between them? Well, get ready to learn the ins and outs of the memoir vs. autobiography...
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