Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Is self-publishing worth it
Every year, millions of books are published all over the world – and a large percentage of those are...
What Makes a Novel Great
If you ask a group of five hundred people, “What is the greatest novel ever written?” you will be met...
research writing
A high-quality argument is at the core of excellent research writing. After all, it is precisely your...

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research writing
A high-quality argument is at the core of excellent research writing. After all, it is precisely your argument that determines the structure, flow, and content of your academic work. Most research papers aim to prove or disprove a hypothesis, and a set of arguments is the tool through which scientists...
A student siting
Academic writing can be quite difficult in and of itself, but what if I told you there are actually different types of scholarly writing, each of which comes with its own nuanced requirements? Descriptive, analytical, critical, persuasive… It’s a lot. Fortunately, there’s no need to soak up all this...
man vs self
Man vs. self conflict is a very compelling type of literary conflict. Why? Well, readers love reading about characters like themselves—flawed individuals with something they must overcome to succeed, particularly when the stakes are big. The idea of a character being their own worst enemy is very human,...
bizarro fiction
Think weird and wonderful and you’ve basically summed up bizarro fiction in a nutshell. It can combine absurdism, humour, the grotesque, satire and surrealism. If you like to fly a freak flag, or just indulge in the daring freak-show circus elements of publishing, this might just be the genre for you....
Is self-publishing worth it
Every year, millions of books are published all over the world – and a large percentage of those are self-published fiction stories, guides, memoirs, and more. With the rise of KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) in recent years, the number of self-published books has skyrocketed since its launch in 2007,...
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