How to Prepare an Excellent Manuscript
If you’ve just finished writing your novel and you’re ready to send it off to the publisher, be sure to read these helpful tips first.
How Do I Find a Publisher?
Say you’ve been busy trying to write a novel, or a reference book or your autobiography. You’ve worked diligently for months or years to finally
How Do I Self-Publish?
You’ve just completed a book that you are truly proud of, and, upon careful consideration, have decided that self-publishing would be the best way to
Marketing your Manuscript
If you want to give a professional impression when you attempt to market your manuscript, it has to be formatted properly and presented in the
Writing a Paper for Publication? Follow These Journal Guidelines
The first step in writing a paper for publication is to identify the target journal, as this will determine your audience and the level of
How Do I Submit My Work to a Magazine?
“I’ve written this great article/short story, and I am submitting work to magazines for possible publication, but I’m not sure how to go about that—isn’t
Short Story Publication The Importance of a Solid Title
hort Story Publication – No matter how fantastic the short story you have written may be, without a solid title the chances are good that
Deciding to Self-Publish: Specialized, Unusual, or Controversial Work
Deciding to self-publish – When most people think of publishing, the big publishing houses in New York and London come to mind. However, self-publishing is
How I Used a Proofreader to Perfect my Manuscript
The following article discusses how FirstEditing proofreading service helped me perfect my manuscript. Although I’d been working on it for over three years, I was
What Are Online Book Editing Services?
A book must go through many stages of development before it is ready to be published. Unless you are an established author who has an