
Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Category: writing
Format a white paper

How to format a white paper?

What is White Paper? White paper is a professional document that concisely states the author’s position on an issue, succinctly describes problem of interest, and/or proposes

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Proofreading vs. Editing

Right off, let’s define the terms. “Proofreading” is usually thought of by people outside the publishing industry as what is actually editing. The editor works

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When to Write Out Numbers

The key to a professional writing project is consistency. Because we can spell or write out numbers, it is important to pick a numbering convention

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When to Double-Space

Getting “spaced out” over spacing? Here are some quick tips and ideas to help you figure it all out! When creating a document, the question

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